GOOD LUCK tomorrow. Make sure you have good night's sleep so that you will wake up inshaallah healthy and fit to take the exam at 3 PM tomorrow. Don't forget to drink a lot of fluid. Be at the venues: (1) GROUP 5 @ the Mosque hall and (2) Group 15 @ MPN hall 15 minutes before the exam start. If possible, leave your handphone at home (for Mr. Kajang) and at your room. You don't need it for tomorrow's exam.
Once again, I enjoyed having classes with you bunch of sporting students! Remember, we still have classes next week.
This is one of the photos that I snapped during my visit to Agra, India last March.. They have it all on the road there.
They seek for food on the road. Seeing this makes us realize how fortunate we are. Don't be lazy...
Hope you like this one too...