Be Creative

Monday, November 15, 2010

Jonathan Klein: Photos that changed the world

Assignment: Section 819
Sorry that today’s class has to be cancelled. However, this is an assignment (individual work) that has to be completed during the holiday. It is due on Monday. I will open a Dropbox in LMS for you to ‘drop’ your assignment. As of today, there are only 12 students from our section who have subscribed to LEM 0620 (SECTION 819). If you haven't please do so before the holiday dear...

Here is the assignment. Watch the video linked above and follow the instructions that I have below:
1. Identify the main ideas that you gathered from the speaker.

2. Based on the main ideas that you have gathered, write your own opinions on the topic. Do images have the power to change the world? Use your own experiences in explaining your opinions. Include a picture that is significant to you in the essay.

3. This essay has to be typed-written and shall be included as one of the materials for your newspaper. This essay is to be 'dropped' in your class dropbox (LMS) latest Monday 22nd of November 2010 at 9AM.

4. I would also see your NEWSPAPER frame on Monday. Do bring your laptop (at least one laptop for each group) to class on Monday, 22nd of November 2010, 11AM to 1PM.

If you have any question, leave it in the comment box.
Thank you everyone.

Monday, November 1, 2010



Welcome to the new semester everyone. The previous students are no longer in my class therefore their blogs will be inactive although I do wish that they will keep on blogging for fun. But of course, many did enjoy blogging in my class last semester, I hope.

This semester is going to be a bit different. Each of students is required to create their own blog and link his or her blog to mine and to other friends from the same section. So, new students, how to start?

1. Create a Google Account especially for the blog.
2. Follow all the instruction on the website.
3. Choose a design that reflects who you are.
4. Wait for your first assignment that will be posted in my blog on the 5th of November 2010 (Friday's Deepavali)

Therefore, you have plus minus 5 days to complete this first assignment.